Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ok... Kinda Snobby... Thanks Bigd, Bliss, Crighton, & Joonie

Work diversion needed... look no farther than the blogs of the people I love in SL the most. Obviously they had found the diversion before me today :)

You Are A Little Snobby

And being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed.
Because if no one was ever snobby, no one would ever try to dress up or look pretty.
And while you do enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you tire of superficiality.
You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface.

Then I think to myself... If Bigd, Crighton, Blissie & Joonie all decided to jump off a cliff, would I jump too? Without even hesititating, I answer YES. Doh! It is SL :) we can simply re-log and be just fine. Bliss even told me I could count on wearing the same outfit fully intact! (See Gypsywoman - Decadent Desire)


bigd Flanagan said...

Some of can relog, others have to have a shaman nearby uttering incantations to the ISP gods to smile upon us. Over the years I've heard people discuss and debate the existance of evil. Does it exist in its own right or is it a manifestation of an inner conflict? This is what I know: it does exist and its name is Hewlett Packard. I shoot the aforementioned laptop a look of scorn, it returns my look not with scorn but with bemusement and sympathy.

Me said...

Kim -

LOL! Glad to help! But remember..you are reborn in the outfit BEFORE the one you died in (guess SL considers that one..tainted?).



Man, you need to submit to the Dell Deities.

Then again..I crash 55 times a night.

Maybe we should all seek the Mac Mystics?

Kimala said...

Oh man!! Blissie!! Does the outfit you die in ever return?? This is a must-know situation for future planning :)

D... talk NICELY to the computer and it will be nice to you. I PROMISE that IT guys will never tell you that - but it is a proven strategy :) heehee

Me said...

Nononono. You don't lose your outfit. Just revert to the previous one. But I've only died once. I can't say it's a proven fact. LOL