Thursday, February 14, 2008

Enjoy Your Valentine Today

As you smear that chocolate all over your face today, don't forget to hug all those you love tightly and wish them Happy Valentines. Even the old dog that leans on you in the backyard needs a valentine (speaking of my own back yard of course :) ).


bigd Flanagan said...

Hey I try not to lean on anyone in the backyard unless they want me too! Just for that I'm wiping my chocolatly face on the sliding glass door!

Arf Arf!

Me said...

/me hides her chocolate covered face. know..this holiday is FOR chocolate feasting. :) It's the sole purpose, I think.

Kimala said...

mmmmmm and... can anyone really EVER have ENOUGH chocolate? :)

/me high fives Bliss with a chocolaty covered hand

Me said...

Hoooo !

:) Funny is it sometimes we feel like five year old kids with sticky chocolate covered mouths?

And scary thing about that scenario?

It's the best feeling.