Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another Reason to Find Good in Tuesday

Unofficial Earth Day flag, by John McConnell:
the Blue Marble on a blue background.

Hey! It is Earth Day! Take some time to click through on the image above and explore resources available to you. Find out what you can do to make a difference. You don't have to be an Al Gore fan to find good things to do for our world. Heck, just changing out your lightbulbs to those curly-cue ones (technical name of course) can mean huge savings in your wallet, and does good things for reducing energy usage.

My hybrid Honda Civic has been fun to drive, can fit everyone in our family but 1 (is that always a bad thing? heehee), costs under $35 to fill the gas tank (knock on wood), and gives me rights to drive in the HOV/Carpool lane on the freeways. That makes me want to HOOOO! just thinking about it :)

Find a kid and put that kid in charge of recycling if you don't want to take the time. I tell you, environmental efforts are things kids really get into, even little kids. Who doesn't love stomping soda cans or running paper through a shredder?

Make a vow to try this next month to do one or two things differently to make the world a better place. Yes, insert Diana Ross music here. If you haven't checked out Google's Earth Day map yet - make sure you do. Come on... you KNOW you are dying to take a peek.

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