Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I cannot go to school today...

When I was little, my favorite poem by Shel Silverstein was "I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann McKay." I recited it last week to my son who was complaining about feeling sick and not wanting to go to school. That'll teach me...

We have been fighting the hideous flu season bugs at my RL house for weeks. First strep then sinus infections and ear infections. It takes the fun out of RL and SL frankly when you can barely hold your head up and form complete sentences. Monday I went to work and they actually sent me home saying I looked horrible. Man, I thought I looked good :) Shows you how sick I was LOL.

So I set out to see just what is available on SL if you are sick. There was a wide range of care facilities and obviously designed around the varying health insurance programs you are able to afford.

I first saw a doctor at this amazing facility. Or.. I thought I was going to see a doctor. I waited and waited but no one was around. It was reminiscent of going to the OB/GYN when obviously he is off delivering a baby and the staff forgot you were in the office. I poked around in the cupboards and stole a few free pens and then I headed off to find a facility with some help.

This place definitely had a staff and directed me to lay down. They tried to have me join their SL group :) I wondered what that would mean and voted not. I could hear someone in the next room having a baby so I assumed this hospital was mostly used for birthing. Since the staff seemed to not care if I explored and conducted services myself, I set out to find out what was wrong with me. After a chest xray they determined I was beyond help and started to wheel me toward the morgue. Who says you can't get good healthcare on SL! At least those I love will be left with my good SLife insurance :)

Seriously, nothing like a good strong round of antibiotics and some stiff cough syrup/decongestant to get you back on the road to perfect health. Yes, after fighting something on your own with every home remedy known to man for 3 weeks, it IS time to suck it up and seek RL medical help. Thank goodness I did! I've gotten some good rest. And, I will try to look my best when I return to the office tomorrow so I don't scare everyone away. I've been gone so long now I'm not sure if they'll remember what I looked like when I left.

Until tomorrow, I'll just snuggle under the blankets on the couch and take one more quick nap.

1 comment:

Me said...

Gotta love that pillow with the blanket. :) I know I do! Kinda makes you feel as SLbetter..

Hey..did you stick around to watch the birth ?!