Monday, January 21, 2008

The Nothing Box

DISCLAIMER: Ok... time to lighten up. Find some posting real estate a little less preachy... Let me know if this does the trick...

Up until now I have been thinking about all the things that make us universally human - in SLife - and RLife. However, a colleague and friend of mine sent me this nugget in email today and it was TOO good to not share. He rarely sends things unless work related - so I knew when his name appeared beside a non-work subject line - it WOULD be good.

As you watch and laugh - think about how you wire your SL avi :) Are you a keeper of a nothing box?

Click here - quick clip about men's & women's brains - in a not-so-serious way.

I had to include this picture from my SL travels because I believe it is me who has come to the Psychiatry Booth to find that no one is in, despite the sign. Maybe that is my cue to lighten up and just laugh. Laugher can be the best medicine!


bigd Flanagan said...

God I love the nothing box. I have fond memories of sitting with my father and absolutely nothing going through our heads. We had some precious moments of total nothingness between us. I'd call my father and tell him this but there would be nothing really to talk about. Love ya Dad

Me said...

Tonight's pillow fight night at Beehive.

You want to laugh?

Imagine a club filled with spankers and boingers..flying across the room and bouncing off of the walls.

NOTHING lightens a mood like a good pillow fight. :)

Joonie said...

LMAOOO! Kimala, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. And at work, too!

Isn't it the truth, tho? A man doing dare they! ;-)


Kimala said...

LOL just thinking about that male nothing box. God I wish I had one of those!! :)

Thanks for laughing with me Joonie :)

Take care