Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Closing Time

I had the privledge of attending a final event at Sporks last weekend. Sporks became the clubhouse of sorts to those of us who needed a home after OneWorld closed. Borday and Blissie made it a warm, fun, crazy place that allowed everything from ballroom dancing, coffee drinking, pole dancing, pillow fighting, spanking, and most importantly picture-taking. Borday was always gracious enough to let Blissie put out the high prim spread of delectable treats and anyone could throw down a tip jar if you felt so inclined to shimmy the pole in your skivvies. Borday's sexy voice would accompany his great mix of music and anyone and everyone was always welcome.

I felt kind of sad last weekend as we laid on the couches and listened to Semisonic's "Closing Time." It was bittersweet. None of us need a home base any more like we did in the newbie days. We all have our own land or places we crawl into to spend the night. (I think EVEN Spanker Ehric now has a home other than Help Island :)- go figure!) But all of us still need that sense of community and belonging. Blissie did that with the Spank Pack and Borday did that with Sporks.

"Closing time - you don't have to go home but you can't stay here... Closing time - time for you to go back to the places you will be from... "

Saying goodbye to Sporks reminded me of a Sunday afternoon a few months ago RL but seemingly years ago SL when we all said goodbye to One World. The fairwell impromtu rooftop dance was captured by many of us in pictures and shared in our picks in our profiles for weeks to come. It was the end of an era in some ways.

One World brought us together. It was the birthplace of outfit challenges and DJ fanclubs. It was the place we could go afk and feel the fear of being pushed in the water. It was the place we could pillow fight and laugh so hard we almost pee our pants (speaking personally of course LOL). One World allowed for us to meet others from all over the globe and learn to say hello in other languages. We practiced with our new lag-enducing toys like sparkles and fireworks. We parachuted from Borday's machine and Hot Rocks.

"So gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits - I hope you have found a friend."

I'll miss Sporks like I miss Sunday afternoons at OneWorld. But I know with these doors closing, others will open. Most importantly I know I'll have my friends to share those new open doors. We have all grown so much and I'm so thankful for each of you and what you have brought to my life - through SL - and into RL. A final toast to Sporks, and a cheers to all the new adventures in store.

"Closing time - every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... " - Semisonic

P.S. For those of you who loved "Friends" - you might enjoy this video version of "Closing Time."


bigd Flanagan said...

This is just beautiful...... other words are a waste;)

Me said...

:) Awww..

It's sad to see so many things vanish before our eyes here, leaving us with just our SLmemories..

But the thing with SL (and RL) that once the people are around..there's always hope to build new memories.

Crighton Johin said...

Don't forget that Sporks was the birthplace of Crightonette....she sprang forth from the bountiful bosom of that nasty ass head nurse.


Kimala said...

oh good lord - we should have burned that nasty ass nurse at the stake - or the dance pole - before Sporks disappeared into our memories :) that avi gives me NIGHTMARES!

Me said...

/me looks up from pouring Clorox in her eyes.

What nurse? What? I can't see her anymore! Mwahahahaha!