Thursday, June 12, 2008

Read it slowly... Let it soak in...

I just loved this and had to share. Life has been crazy since I posted quickly on Monday. Several things are percolating but no time to actually blog it. For now I'll leave you with this thought from Jim Rohn:

One of the major reasons why people are not doing well is because they keep trying to get through the day. A more worthy challenge is to try to get from the day. We must become sensitive enough to observe and ponder what is happening around us. Be alert. Be awake. Let life and all of its subtle messages touch us. Often, the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among the seemingly insignificant events of life. If we do not pay attention to these events, we can easily miss the opportunities.

So be a good observer of both life and the world around you.

~Jim Rohn, "Become a Good Observer" from BeliefNet


bigd Flanagan said...

Great post Kimala! I try to pants life on a daily basis. Just saying......

Parker said...

: )